My name is Jin Asomiya and I am the luckiest man in the world. No, I don’t mean because I have a great wife or honor roll kids or any hallmark shit like that. No. I am literally the luckiest man in the world. I can dive head first into oncoming traffic and not get licked by a single car. Hell, I’ll probably find a winning lottery ticket by the time I had crossed the street. Or like last week. Just for the fuck of it I held up a bank with a water bottle and got away. A water bottle. I said it was an explosive. Didn’t take much effort. Nothing does.

I don’t know. Sometimes it’s weird though. The other day I uh… I took a gun from a cop. He fainted in fear after I took it so I got away.. like always. I fired it off a few times and had my fun but then… I don’t know what I was thinking. I put it to my temple just to see what would happen.. and I fired it. It jammed. Figures. I felt... I don’t know… disappointed isn’t the right word but.. I don’t know. 

I’ve been looking for a new rush lately. Vegas got old fast and the house is a sore loser, especially when you win like I do. Flying around the world was nice but it’s too much of a headache now; security is way tighter and the passengers are annoying. I always tell them they are safe when they fly with me. That’s a lie though. The plane could still go down but I would be fine… probably wash up on a tropical island somewhere filled with beautiful women… That'd be nice.

I wasn’t always this way, don’t worry. Nothing crazy happened. It’s not like I was struck by lightning while holding a rabbit's foot in one hand and a four leaf clover in the other. None of that shit. What I did was just… stop. I stopped caring. I just left my desk one day and walked. Maybe that’s the sad part.. wait am I sad? No. Though, sometimes I wish it was a freak accident that made me special because then I would be one-of-a-kind... but the fact of the matter is that anyone, even you; the most pathetic spineless fuck, could be like me. I guarantee the minute you stop caring the world rewards you like it did me. That’s it. The world doesn’t want us wearing clothes and having doors that lock, driving around in pods. It doesn’t! So when one of it’s monkeys signs off it throws gifts at us! Like a mouse getting the cheese at the end of the maze. That’s got to be it. A reward.

I’m happy.. right? I gotta be... Yeah. Yeah. Fuck yeah. Just need to find that next rush. I’ll think of something… Maybe I should find that island.


